Parenting Support

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Counseling SDC is owned and operated by two working moms.

We know what it is like to work full time and wrestle with the demands children. They experience their own needs. Our children are so strong, knowledgeable and vivacious. That can lead to a lot of parental strain.

The more a child needs, demands or requires, the less parents feel like they can focus on themselves. Sometimes worse, parents lose sight of their goals and themselves acting against their values.

No matter the relationship status between parents, having children is a challenge. Choosing a parenting method for your family is the first step. Following through on the parenting plan is the next. No matter what stage you are in, therapy for parenting can help you. With counseling at Counseling SDC , find real solutions. Work on the here and now. Learn real skills and implement them in your life today!

Call today for a FREE consultation and see if we are a good fit for you.

Parenting Services for Couples

If you are parenting your child with another guardian or caregiver; the relationship between you both is extremely important . You do not have to be romantically involved to be an active part of a parenting relationship. From communicating with a parenting partner(s), to being consistent with rules, there are endless pitfalls into argument and discontent. Child-rearing, albeit rewarding and sometimes chosen, has huge impacts on your interpersonal communication and relationships. Counseling SDC can help with relationship counseling and coaching designed specifically to strengthen your parenting relationship.

Your parenting relationship must, first and foremost, be strong. 

At Counseling SDC, we do not provide advice in our sessions. We focus on counseling the parenting relationship and increasing the health of the primary parenting relationship(s). In turn, the work we do with you and your partner(s) gets dispersed back into the family unit through organized, calm and united parenting. You and your parenting partner do not have to agree with each other's every child rearing opinion. You do need to have a working relationship and present your child with a consistent message and approach.

Why might parenting support be necessary?

  • Reinforcing rules and setting boundaries for a child
  • Behaviors are not the only factor at play
  • Open communication and create a safe place
  • Your child or adolescent might be experiencing things you have never experienced before
  • Cultural, religious or lifestyle differences
  • Child with dangerous, aggressive or bullying behaviors