Navigating Relationships
Navigating the relationships in your life can be difficult. Between personal, familial, professional and acquaintance relationships you can feel drained.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".
- Carl Jung
Finding personal boundaries with others when you have family responsibility seems like a no brainer, but it can be the root cause of plenty of dissatisfaction for both parties. It is inevitable that spending time in one area will take away from another. Balance in our relationships helps us to feel supported and supports the ones we love in return.
A lot of what is draining in relationships has no immediate connection to here and now. It is the relational history and the emotional makeup of the individuals in the relationship that are interacting. Whether it is a personal friendship or brief acquaintance, these relationship require a certain amount of energy and skill. Develop or sharpen your interpersonal skills with counseling.
Even if the relationship is not with a family member, a family systems approach to evaluating your personal relationships can help you navigate your place and establish appropriate boundaries. Counseling can help you to discover the meaning behind the most draining relationships in your life and reduce their impact.
- We help navigate all types of connections.
- Building stronger bonds, from friendships to families.
- Your relationships matter, no matter the form.
- We specialize in navigating the complexities of love and connection.
- Expert guidance for all your interpersonal relationships.
- Building healthy dynamics in all your close relationships.
- We support all forms of healthy, committed relationships.
- Open communication and understanding for every relationship journey.
- Your relationship goals are unique, and so is our approach.
"Coming together is an beginning; keeping together is progress: working together is success."
- Henry Ford
Are you an adult without personal relationships with peers?
Are you an adult who struggles with reality based relationships and spend most of your time in fantasy?
Do you struggle with motivation to set and reach personal goals?
More and more young adults and middle (typically ages 17-36) struggle with a phenomenon known as "Failure to Launch" syndrome. While not an actual diagnosis, Failure to Launch syndrome refers to adults who have struggled or failed to transition into adulthood. It is related to a number of interpersonal factors and typically can be related to some anxious or depressive symptoms like fear of rejection. Definitely not a joke, as popularized by certain motion pictures, this is a series of symptoms that most often include social anxiety, negative thoughts about ones self and feeling un-motivated. Most of all, this is typically not the first choice of lifestyle for the individual, it is a function of self protection.
Adults with this syndrome may lag behind their peers in completing schooling or maintaining employment and they might struggle to develop or maintain peer relationships. They may still live at home and spend an inordinate amount of time on social media or playing video games. They might spend more time online and less time cultivating relationships with peers in their geographic area. Are certain plans not lining up as expected and now there are no efforts to move on? If your adult child lacks confidence, has little to no work ethic and lacks goals or motivation, they may be suffering from Failure to Launch syndrome. Talk with them and encourage them to contact us today for a consultation. You may call together to discuss and Counseling SDC has family sessions available.
If you have social anxiety, low tolerance for stress, and struggle to assume adult responsibilities, you might benefit from a consultation. We can discuss some of the fears that are holding you back from the future experience you desire.
Counseling SDC has short-term solution focused counseling plans for you.
Counseling can help increase confidence and improve communication.
With counseling adults can learn to initiate relationships with others, network with peers and increase support systems outside the family.
Use your skills to your advantage
Increase motivation
Develop coping strategies
Ease symptoms
Control agitation
Build personal life structure
Finish your goals
and start developing real world relationships
If you or your adult child is struggling with Failure to Launch syndrome, Counseling SDC can help.