The therapist is probably going to ask a few questions! If you do not like to have people know your business or feel uncomfortable having questions asked of you. That is fine! This will be the beginning of your progress toward wellness. Typically, the first impression is all about putting up a great front and producing the best self. However, in therapy, that is not necessary. As therapists, we are taught to meet others exactly where they are. That is how a healthy relationship with your therapist should work. If there is something that is necessary, your therapist will tell you.
For a lot of clients, counseling is somewhat of a last resort. Counseling can seem like a distant option and an unknown one. The first session can be feel un-structured as you describe the crisis that is brining you in and/or decisions that need to be made. While you might feel like you are bringing a lot to the table, the therapist is likely identifying several ways to help you make progress. That is a the most beautiful part about therapy. While you are deep in the forest digging a massive hole, your therapist is flying in a helicopter. They can see where the trees meet the ocean on the horizon and the end of this experience for you.
The first impression, during the consultation and first session, is really for you as the client. Can this therapist meet my needs? Do I feel like I can work well with this therapist? Do I feel like I trust this therapist? Mostly, the first session is about establishing some trust. As a client, it is your responsibility to decide if the therapist you are seeing is right for you. The first session is where you will get a final first impression. Yes, you want to get your story out and start working on solutions. But you also want to be supported in the best way possible. A therapist should be at minimum, welcoming of you and judgement free. Here is a list of things to look for when finding a therapist (APA.ORG How Do I Find a Good Therapist?)