Child Counseling

Child Counseling

Whenever your child’s mood, thoughts or daily activities seem different to you,  check in with them. Not every child needs therapy. But every child can benefit from increased emotional intelligence and professional support. 


Relationships are part of children's lives too. They have relationships with each other, parents, teachers and other authorities. Some of those interactions are quality positive interactions, some are average everyday interactions and sometimes they are traumatic. No matter the type of interaction, they are making a lasting impact. Counseling SDC child counseling services focuses on the familial unit. As a unit, the family and its children, serve as a system. When a child cannot control their behaviors or identify how they feel it can create a huge barrier. One that is taxing on the entire family system. 

Services for Children ages 5+


The way a child engages with people now, will shape their view of the world and how to develop relationships as an adult. 

Counseling SDC provides short-term services that maximize time spent with children; engaging them and keeping them interested in sessions. We provide real-world tools for children to utilize in their day-to-day interactions with adults and peers.




Common Reasons to seek therapy for a child

  • Separation or Divorce of primary care-giving unit 
  • Chronic Medical Conditions
  • Victim of shaming or bullying 
  • Bullying or Shaming others
  • Developing Social Skills
  • Aggression and poor tolerance 
  • Identity 
  • Anticipation of stress or major life change : sick loved one, impending move, new sibling
  • Physical / Emotional / Verbal / Sexual Trauma or Abuse ***


Children do not thrive when they are struggling with their supportive relationships. Children learn how to relate to others and how to identify themselves through a process of interaction starting from the moment they are born. Developing interpersonal skills is difficult enough. Children who struggle to relate to others have more difficulty making connections with their peers. Navigating the new landscape of in person and virtual relationships can be confusing and emotionally draining. Our clinicians can help hone in on the particular skills necessary for your child to thrive and develop meaningful relationships. 


Do not be embarrassed. 

Do not feel ashamed. 

It is a confusing and hurtful time. 

What is important is that you are here now and so are we. 


***If your child has experienced psychological, emotional, verbal or physical trauma please seek support. We are here for you and your child. We have a Trauma focused trained therapist who can assist you, your child and your family through this time. Counseling SDC can help you all get through this TOGETHER. Learn how to give and take with each other to create a space for love and healing. There might be more strangers involved in your personal life than ever; lawyers, schools and doctors. We can and will provide constant, steady and familiar support. Increase your awareness of your child’s specific needs right now. Learn how to participate and plan as a unit.